Bill McGarvey — “Broken Lullaby”
Award-winning animated short directed by Bill and Stella Rosen based on his song, co-written with Ed Seifert. Selected by over 30 film festivals from Los Angeles, New York and Liverpool to Manchester, Milan and Australia.
Bill wrote the song “I Call Your Name” for Georgetown University’s Alumni Memorial Mass commemorating class members who have passed away. See the “In Memoriam” video below.
Click link to LISTEN. Right click and “Save link as” to DOWNLOAD song to your computer.
Bill McGarvey’s Beautiful Mess Show
Mixing songs, stories, graphic comics, photos and video, Beautiful Mess is an autobiographical mixed-media show about the intersection of pop culture and belief that Bill has been doing at colleges across the United States.
Tell Your Mother
A video medley of Bill McGarvey and the Good Thieves taken from the former Valentine Smith frontman’s solo debut Tell Your Mother (Thievery Records).
Valentine Smith
Valentine Smith made a video of “Katie’s A No-Show” for their debut album Back on Earth. Both the album and the single received rave reviews from outlets ranging from the New York Times and the Washington Post to Billboard. The video was directed by Miles Barken and was featured on video outlets around the US, Canada and Europe.